Okx tutvustab Bitcoini pealdise ja BRC20 Buzzi keskel uusi ordinalsi turgu

Teisipäeval, krüptofirma Okx teatas uue Ordinalsi turu käivitamisest. Platvormile pääseb juurde Okxi rahakoti kaudu ning see võimaldab kasutajatel vermida ja kaubelda Ordinaal-kirjade ja BRC20 žetoonidega. Kuigi Ordinalsi turg on endiselt…

Latam Insights: Boliivia otsib kaubanduslike arvelduste jaoks Hiina jüaani, Steve Hanke pakub välja 30-päevase lahenduse Venezuela inflatsioonile

Tere tulemast Latam Insightsi, kokkuvõte viimase nädala kõige olulisematest krüpto- ja majandusarengu uudistest Ladina-Ameerikast. Selles numbris, Boliivia kaalub rahvusvahelistes kaubandusarveldustes Hiina jüaani kasutamist, inflatsioon jõuab 108.8% Argentinas, ja…

Digital Assets for 1 Billion Rubles Issued in Russia in a Month

Platforms authorized by the Russian government issued digital assets worth around a billion rubles in April, the local press reported. The spike in the volume has been attributed to Russian companies experimenting with new financial instruments amid limited access to traditional

Endine Coinbase'i täitja Balaji Srinivasan lõpetab tegevuse $1 Miljoni Bitcoini panus

Coinbase'i endine tehnoloogiajuht, Balaji Srinivasan, lõpetas varakult kihlveo, et bitcoini hind tabab $1 juuni keskpaigaks USA hüperinflatsiooni ajal. dollarit. Srinivasan maksis kokku $1.5 miljonit, rohkem kui algselt…

Economist Peter Schiff Warns of Stagflation in US Economy — Says ‘It’s Going to Get Worse’

Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. economy is facing stagflation and the situation is going to get worse. “Not only is the economy weakening, but inflation is strengthening,” ta rõhutas, emphasizing: “You have the worst of both worlds.” USA….

Pacwest Stock Plummets Over 35% Following Release of Q1 Earnings Report Amidst Turmoil in Banking Industry

Following the acquisition of First Republic Bank by JPMorgan Chase, several regional banks such as Pacwest and Western Alliance experienced a significant drop in their stock prices. On Tuesday afternoon, all four major U.S. benchmark stock indexes are in decline as

Bitcoin Cash Smart Contracts ‘Comparable to Those on Ethereum’ Possible via May Upgrade, ‘1000x Efficiency Advantage’: Dev Jason Dreyzehner

Pro-freedom technologies advocate and software developer Jason Dreyzehner recently spoke with Bitcoin.com News via email about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash network upgrade on May 15. One of the most talked about improvement proposals set to go through on that date —…

Japan’s Inflation Surges to 3.5% as New BOJ Governor Takes the Helm

See nädal, the Statistics Bureau of Japan unveiled the latest core consumer price index (CPI) report for the country, revealing a surge to 3.5%. This figure comes as a surprise to analysts who had predicted a more modest 2.9% for the

FTX Boss Ryan Salame’s Maryland Home Searched by FBI in Unexplained Raid

According to unnamed sources, the home of Ryan Salame, the former co-chief executive of FTX Digital Markets, was searched by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) neljapäeval. The grounds for the raid remain unknown, and neither Salame nor his

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov States De-Dollarization ‘Can No Longer Be Stopped’

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has spoken on the current shift to national currencies and the de-dollarization international markets are currently experiencing. In a press conference after addressing the UN Security Council on April 25, Lavrov stated this shift could not